Show & Tell Tuesday 2017!

It's a new year and time for the first 2017 edition of Show & Tell Tuesday!

We will soon be getting a new member of our family!  These adorable little goldendoodles were born on New Year's Day, and Bonny will be deciding which one will be joining our family in about a month.  We can't wait!

About a year ago, I was contacted by a writer from Scholastic's Teacher magazine.  She had read a blog post I wrote where I mentioned an activity I do with the book Rose Blanche.  It's a great historical fiction story that lends itself well to making inferences.  You can find materials I created to go with this book here.  

She said she was writing an article and wanted to know if she could write about my activity in the article.  Of course, I said yes!  I was very excited about the idea but didn't know if the article would ever actually happen or if she would end up using any of our conversation.  The article came out a few weeks ago...

My part was small but fun for me just the same.  You can take a look at the article by clicking here.  

This is the time of year that I always feel the need to do some cleaning and reorganizing in my classroom.  I thought I'd share a tip that you might find useful for your classroom!  Whenever I make copies, I always make about five extra, because inevitably, at least a couple students will end up needing another one.  The problem comes with where to put all these extra copies.  I've tried putting them in a basket but then it takes forever to look through all the papers and find what you need.  So, this year I tried using a pocket chart.  I labeled each pocket with the different subjects plus things like Book Orders, Lunch Menus, and School Notes.  

After I pass out copies to my students, I put the extras into the pocket chart.  Students know if they need another one at some point, they just go and grab one for themselves.  To keep it from getting too full, I just weed it out about once a week.  When the new word work words get passed out, I grab the old ones and recycle them.  You can create your own extra copies organizer with these cute Class Subject Signs or use them for homework trays, centers, or whatever else you can think of.  Why not, they're free in my TPT Store!

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